Git thee hence.
Sugar-sweet git repository management with nappingcat and thundercat
It's been a long while since I posted about nappingcat, and since that post at least a fair amount has changed — hopefully, I think, for the better.
For one, the installation has been simplified to the following:
pip install nappingcat
useradd -m -U -r -s/bin/bash git
sudo su git
nappingcat_initconf # generates a super basic configuration file in ~git/nappingcat.conf
cat > nappingcat_createsuperuser admin # create a superuser for nappingcat
And on the client side, things are coming up roses:
pip install thundercat
thundercat addremote <nickname> <>
thundercat <nickname> add_permission admin kittygit create
And suddenly you're off to the races!
But wait! there's more.
But only a little bit more.
At this point you're set up to use nappingcat as your private repo administration system. Say you have
a friend, though, who has installed thundercat
on their system, and wants to collaborate on your
awesome new evil death ray scheme. Well, let's take a look:
# on your computer
cd deathrayproject
thundercat myserver create_repo deathray
Do you want to add a remote [Y/y/N/n]? Y
git push myserver master
thundercat add_user friend
thundercat add_key_to_user friend
thundercat add_permission friend kittygit read admin/deathray
Tell your friend to add your nappingcat url to his thundercat:
# on his computer:
thundercat addremote <nickname> git@nappingcat.url
thundercat <nickname> fork_repo chris/deathray
git clone git@nappingcat.url:friend/deathray.git
And now he has a lovely little fork of your project!