
Javascript and Node.js


Yesterday I wrote a post about the two parts of Javascript that I considered magical. I wrote it in the hopes that newcomers to the language would be able to grasp the two hardest parts by comparing it to languages they were already familiar with (PHP, Python). Unfortunately I took a bit of an exasperated tone in that post, mainly because I had been seeing so much discourse on either side of the topic of Node.js and Javascript that felt like it was missing some integral points about the language.

To sum up yesterday's post:

  1. Closures aren't what make Javascript special.
  2. Neither is the idea that you can run the same code on the browser as on the server.
  3. Event based programming is one of the things that makes Javascript special, as it's so suited to it.
  4. The tremendous effort being expended on making Javascript faster (by browser vendors) makes Javascript exciting.
  5. That there are numerous opportunities to contribute make javascript fun, especially in the context of Node.js.

As for the magic parts I had initially tried to cover:

  1. Javascript closures never close over this.
  2. Javascript prototypes are strange at first, but ultimately you can relate them to Classes in Python.

The last point drew a bit of flak, and I'll admit that prototypical inheritance based languages are formally different from classical object inheritance. However, I think it did some good to compare them -- after all, classes in Python are objects too (type objects, to be specific), and regardless of the sugar of the language, Javascript objects using prototypes and Python objects share a lot of similarities.

Also I'd like to apologize if the previous post came off as a rant — that was a failing on my part -- my goal is to hopefully inform and entertain (and get people interested in the weird things that I am interested in! Go meme propagation!)

I'd like to follow on the heels of yesterday's post with a quick overview of some Javascript gotchas: some I glossed over yesterday, and some that came up last night as I was helping a friend debug some JS.

Write Once, Run Anywhere

...Is more painful than it seems

The first point I'd like to go over is something I mentioned really briefly yesterday:

Javascript is a different language in Webkit, IE, and Firefox.

Not to leave Opera out of the picture, of course. There's a sense that the only thing that really differs between the different implementations of Javascript is the DOM API. True, but the standard library varies wildly between the implementations, as does the syntax.

So what's the takeaway here? Well, if your library doesn't need to run in the browser, then by all means, write it using the subset of Javascript that V8 and Firefox are okay with. For example, let's make a set out of the properties of two objects.

var getKeys = function(obj1, obj2) {
    var set = [];
    var properties = Object.keys(obj1);
    properties.forEach(function(item) {
        if(set.indexOf(item) === -1) {
    return item;

And for fun, let's compare that to what you have to write to make it cross browser compatible:

var getKeys = function(obj1, obj2) {
    var properties = [],
        indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function(arr, needle) {
            return arr.indexOf(needle);
        } : function(arr, needle) {
            for(var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
                if(arr[i] === needle) {
                    return i;
            return -1;
    for(name in obj1) if(obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        if(indexOf(properties, name) === -1) {
    for(name in obj2) if(obj2.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        if(indexOf(properties, name) === -1) {
    return properties;

We can't use Object.keys, we have to make a guard for Array.indexOf, and all around chaos ensues. Now, this could be refactored to be prettier, certainly. But it stands as a pretty good example of the expansion of the code you have to write to get things to work correctly cross browser. Also, remember that string handling in IE is crummy — you cannot index a string using string[index] notation, you must use string.charAt(index). If you forget, your punishment is a cryptic error message. Also, if you accidentally leave a trailing comma in an object literal, the code won't even compile.

So, when you can — and if you're writing for Node.js, you often can — try to limit yourself down to the subset of Javascript that V8 supports. If you can't do that — well, you really have to be cognizant of the fact that you're no longer writing modern Javascript, you have to target the lowest common denominator. To really appreciate how weird ECMAScript can be in practice, read through this pdf. It's a Microsoft-compiled list of divergences from ECMAScript 3 across the major browsers (unfortunately, excluding Chrome).

Where does that error go?

A really brief synopsis of how Node.js deals with errors

This part is a bit more specific to Node.js. One of the biggest problems I've had thus far is exception handling. Coming from Python, where Exceptions are king, you'd think this wouldn't pose a problem for me — but it's not the concept that gets me, it's the fact that when you throw an Error inside of a callback, depending on where that callback got called, that Exception can travel two very different routes.

Exceptions will always fly back up the stack until they are caught, or they reach the end of the stack. That's where things get a little bizarre, in Node.js. Consider the following:

try { 
    doSomething(function(err, result) {
        if(err) {
            throw err;
} catch(err) {

Now, where does err get caught? Well, the answer depends on what doSomething does. If doSomething looks like the following:

var doSomething = function(callback) {
    callback(new Error(), "some value");

It gets caught, as expected, in the wrapping try / catch block. However, if doSomething looks like this:

var doSomething = function(callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile('./test.txt', function(err, objects) {
        callback(err, objects);

The wrapping try / catch block does not catch the thrown err. Why? Because that stack has already completed — the event loop in Node has a new stack, beginning with the results of fs.readFile. Any error thrown in that stack will bubble up that stack independent of the code calling doSomething. This is a major point of consternation for those not familiar with this behavior — but giving a minute of thought, it begins to make sense. You can't return to the calling stack; that code has already run.

Designing around callbacks

A rule of thumb

The final gotcha I'd like to address involves designing Javascript APIs. I haven't seen this too often, but it bears mentioning: Any API you design that leverages another library that takes callbacks must somehow reflect this in your public API. There aren't safe ways to avoid it — in glossing over it, you are intentionally introducing a race condition.

So, for instance, I want to create a phone book API:

var PhoneBook = function(bookFile) {
    this.bookFile = bookFile;

PhoneBook.prototype.load = function() {
    var fs = require('fs'),
        self = this;
    try {
        fs.readFile(this.bookFile, function(err, data) {
            if(err) throw err;
   = data.split('\n');
    } catch(err) { = null;

This code won't work. The race condition introduced is as follows: I call readFile with a callback. That callback will not execute until my currently running stack is exhausted. However, I attempt to return immediately after calling fs.readFile — it will be undefined. Gulp. Even worse, if there's an error thrown in that callback — as we discussed in the last section — it will bubble up to the top of the stack and become an uncaught exception, ending my program.

There are two solutions — both reflect the necessary inversion of control that comes with using async callbacks in Node.

The first solution is to simply make my load method take a callback:

PhoneBook.prototype.load = function(callback) {
    var fs = require('fs'),
        self = this;
    fs.readFile(this.bookFile, function(err, data) {
        if(!err) {
   = data.split('\n');
        callback(err, self);

Now when my PhoneBook is ready (or errored out) it will pass control back to my callback function, with any errors and a copy of the fully-populated PhoneBook.

The other solution — which I'll admit, I haven't used quite as often — is to turn PhoneBook into an EventEmitter.

var events = require('events'),
    sys = require('sys');
var PhoneBook = function(bookFile) {
    var fs = require('fs'),
        self = this;;

    fs.readFile(this.bookFile, function(err, data) {
        if(err) {
            self.emit('error', err);
        } else {
            self.emit('data', data.split('\n'));
sys.inherits(PhoneBook, events.EventEmitter);

Now clients using PhoneBook can listen for errors and success by attaching to an instance of phonebook like so:

var pb = new PhoneBook('asdf.txt');
pb.on('error', function(error) {
pb.on('data', function(data) {

Which works out quite nicely. Both are valid methods of preserving the inversion of control through your library. Remember — if you so much as think that some method of your library will use code that takes a callback, you must work that inversion of control up through the public API. disclaimer: feel free to prove me wrong on this one, but as far as I've seen, it's true.

thar be dragons

really awesome dragons. like, with shades.

Summing up, you should have these things in mind when you start our writing a Javascript library (especially for Node):

  1. Does it really need to work in the browser, or can I target Node.js or Rhino and use modern Javascript?
  2. Pay attention to the stack — never take for granted that a callback will be run within the same stack. Throwing errors within callbacks is not such a great idea unless you know where you're throwing it to.
  3. Do the mental gymnastics of figuring out what parts of your library are blocking ahead of time, so you know where to expose that inversion of control in your public API.

There are other little bits to watch out for, of course (my personal favorite being "asdf asdf".replace("asdf", '') will only replace the first instance of "asdf", that always bites me — use replace(/asdf/g, '') instead); but if you can keep these things in mind while writing your library, you should generally be okay.