
Templates kind of suck.

But that's kind of what they're for.

Over the last few weeks, I've been musing about the state of template languages. Template languages are, as a coworker mentioned to me at the outset of this musing, the Vietnam War of programming. There's no super great solution, but there are a bevy of languages out there that solve 80% of the problem.

So what's the problem? Well, the issue at hand is that we want to strongly decouple display logic from our control logic (or view logic, if you're in the Django camp). Ideally, we do this in such a way that whatever the resultant language looks like, it's easier for non-programmers to pick up and perform meaningful work with.

A quick overview

don't blink.

There are a couple of broad strokes by which we attempt to achieve this "programming lite" decoupling. The first victim in the Template War is logic constructs. There's a bevy of language-level logic constructs that one has to be innately familiar with to even start to produce meaningful programs. for and while loops; break, continue, raise/throw breaking concepts, hell, even if statements can be dumbed down for templating languages. The Django template language attacks this head-on by totally excising the breaking concepts, and only allowing one type of loop — a loop over an iterable. And since iterables are provided to the template designer, there's no way for a designer to put logic-heavy code into their templates — for instance, an infinite loop that breaks once a certain condition is met.

Django Templates are a more tooled version of PHP's Smarty templates — and I'm going out on a little limb here by saying that they were probably influenced by Smarty. Smarty, however, doesn't really restrict the template designer at all inside it's templates — hell, it can drop down to straight PHP if need be. I'd venture to say that while this is an attempt to solve 100% of the problem of writing templates, it's a really bad solution.

For one, PHP itself is a templating language — that's what it was pretty much written to be. Adding a syntactic layer on top of PHP is just going to confuse things. (Disclaimer: I spent about a year and a half writing Smarty templates for a large-ish PHP promotional products company, so the pains of Smarty are fairly well known to me). The fact that pretty much anything available to you in PHP is available to you in Smarty does not do much to strengthen Smarty's case. It's a crappy solution to a crappy problem, to be florid about it.

To rebuke PHP a little bit — and not just because it's the popular thing to do — as a templating language it too kind of falls flat. While the templates can definitely be decoupled from logic code, since it's an entire programming language, you don't see this happening too often with folks just picking up the language. The decoupling has to come from a design decision on high: someone who actually knows how to program. Not a designer. Secondly, whatever designer picks up a PHP template pretty much needs to know how to program. So using PHP templates covers 100% of the potential problems of writing a template, but fails at the original goals — "You don't have to be a programmer", and "Templates, by wont of being view logic, should be decoupled from control logic."

And so, back to Django

just for a bit I promise

Django templating improves on the concepts in Smarty and PHP, but doesn't really do too many revolutionary things. It embraces the idea that templating is a 80%-solution affair with gusto, and attempts to introduce a "one true path" for situations that 80% doesn't cover.

That is to say, custom template tags.

I think they're a wart, but a load-bearing wart. Without being able to write custom template tags, you lose the ability to solve the entirety of the display problem. Complex problems demand complex logic, and complex logic does not belong in templates. But ultimately it is still display logic, however complex it is, so it's shoved into a template tag that can be written in an honest-to-god programming language.

But there is a mental overhead here — especially in the case of inclusion tags, where God knows what context you've been handed. There's the fact that you have to track down exactly where the tag in question is coming from, which takes a minute to actually figure out. You have to jump out of editing, find all of the files that are represented with {% load blah %} tags across all of your applications, and then find out exactly which file contains the function that returns the node that renders the template fragment you are looking for. Yech. But it's necessary, so that you can solve all of the problems, and it is a definite improvement on what Smarty and PHP do: give you the entire goddamned programming language in a big steaming pile.

So I'll come right out and say that Django templates are an improvement over Smarty and PHP. But it's got warts.

Warts on warts


So I've railed on three template languages (having left out HAML and ERB and, well, pretty much every Ruby templating language, an egregious error) thus far.

And I've left out another problem that templating langauges (at least, traditional templating languages) fail at.

HTML5 is coming up quick. Usually, all of my templates are written in XHTML or HTML4 transitional. When I wrote the template to display a list of my blog posts, at heart, I really didn't care whether it represented them as closed <li> tags or unclosed, I just followed my doctype's requirements; or that my top level navigation was presented as yet another unordered list tag and not a <nav> tag. I knew what I wanted and I took steps to get there by writing the flavor of HTML appropriate for the doctype.

Why should templates care what they're emitted as? Ultimately, they're view logic. And maybe, when I view my post list template, I want HTML4, or maybe I want HTML5, or JSON, or hell, even XHTML.

Also, writing

<ul id="post-list">
    {% for post in post_list %}
        <li><a href="{{ post.get_absolute_url }}" title="{{ post.title }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

seems needlessly verbose, especially given that I have to write it like a million times for each discrete type of data that needs a list page.

The issue at hand, I guess, is that our display logic layer — the thing that's telling HttpRespone what to contain (usually HTML) — is inflexible and irrevocably tied to the output format. That seems silly. The traditional template languages I discussed all work like this: instead of saying what we mean, we write boilerplate HTML specific to a certain doctype, and poke holes in it for our display logic.

Aaalll aboard the abstraction train!


I haven't discussed any of the Ruby templating languages up until now. Some, like HAML and Markaby, are getting closer to what I'd like to see — abstractions of the target format into a DSL (which is really all a templating language is). HAML in particular is very close to what I'd like to see, though little bits of Ruby peek out on occasion.

I do like that HAML abstracts out from the typical "poke some holes in HTML" approach to templating. It still feels like it's a little too tied to the one-to-one template to HTML relation, however.

In my perfect world, my ideal template language would be able to define a DSL for the doctype it wanted to create:

# html5.doctype
document -> {
    <!doctype html>
    <html>{% insertion_point %}{% end_insertion_point %}</html>

meta -> {
        <meta charset="{{ self.meta-charset }}">
        <meta name="keywords" value="{{ self.meta-keywords }}">
        <title>{{ self.title }}</title>

link_list -> {
    <ul id="{{ }}" class="{{ self.class }}">
        {% for item in incoming %}
            <li><a href="{{ item.get_absolute_url }}" title="{{ item.title }}">{{ item.title }}</a>
        {% else %}
            <li>{{ self.empty-message }}
        {% endfor %}

content -> {
    <body id="{{ }}" class="{{ self.class }}">
        <div id="wrap">
            {% insertion_point %}{% end_insertion_point %}

navigation -> {
        {% insertion_point %}{% end_insertion_point %}

For your site you'd extend the existing doctype.

# mysite/templates/html5.doctype
navigation:extend -> {
    <a title="home" href="/">Home</a>
    <a title="posts" href="{% url post-list %}">posts</a>

And your actual template would look like this:

# post-list.tpl
document meta {
    title: "Post list.";
    meta-keywords:"cats hats bagels sandwiches";
document content nav {}
document content link_list % posts { empty-message:"We're sorry, there are no posts."; }

There's your entire document. Most of your time is spent up front defining the doctype module, but once that's done, provided one can override elements from an existing doctype, you can customize the pieces to your liking.

this would render into:

<!doctype html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="keywords" value="cats hats bagels sandwiches">
        <title>Post list.</title>
    <body id="" class="">
        <div id="wrap">    
                <a title="home" href="/">Home</a>
                <a title="posts" href="/posts/">posts</a>
            <ul id="" class="">
                <li>We&rsquo;re sorry, there are no posts.</li>

Now I can't decide if this is actually better, but you'll have to warrant it is a drastically different stab at how templating works. It essentially breaks templating into two languages: structural and emitter languages. Doctype definitions essentially define a portion of reusable HTML in a certain flavor that can use an incoming block of css-style context coming in to render, or an incoming iterable. They would have full access to the django template language internally, and the {% insertion_point %} is essentally an unnamed {% block %} tag used by incoming fragments to insert into.

The existence of the Django template language at the root of all of this provides a "one true path" for dropping into a higher level language.